
Support us financing StrikeForce while looking sharp!


Other ways to Support

With the StrikeForce Shop you can help finance our operational and technical needs, including SRS, events, website maintenance, and other essential tools. Plus, you’ll look sharp and represent us in the real world. If you prefer alternative ways to back the StrikeForce, consider sending aUEC to FiggyGee or JamesFortSawyer

Submit your Product

All StrikeForce Members can submit their own Products to our Store, after you submitted your Product, we’ll look at it and invite you to a call to discuss all things. 


Option 1:

20% Creator
10% Handler
10% Finance/Tax
60% StrikeForce.

Option 2:

40% Creator,
10% Handler
10% Finance/Tax
40% StrikeForce

For Donation

90% StrikeForce
10% Finance/Tax

*the splits can change as we progress